Sunday, April 27, 2008
Crazy Baby!!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Addysen's New Face
Just this past weekend, Addsen has started doing this new face, and she does it all the time. It just cracks us up. Either she does something, or she notices something different and she looks at you, makes this face and says, "uh-oh!" It is priceless! We sat and just laughed at her all weekend. TOO CUTE!
A Picture for Uncle Nate
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Addysen's Birthday Party!!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Addysen's 1st Birthday.
Thank you to everyone who wished Addysen a Happy Birthday or gave her a gift! She had such a great birthday. She was a perfect baby yesterday!!! First of all, she looked extra cute - after all, she is 1 now. The day started, by going to daycare as normal. We took cupcakes to share with all the kids. From what I hear, they were a hit! Addysen just loved them too. She got frosting all over herself. The babysitter, Stephanie even had to wash her hair. Then in the evening we went to Happy Joe's. Grandma Karyn, Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Jim also met us there. Addysen loved watching all the other kids there, and the choo, choo train that goes around the top of the restaurant (yes, it was actually working!). She ate almost one whole piece of pizza! Plus, to top it off, and to annoy Daddy, she ate my favorite pizza - canadian bacon and sour kraut - and yes she even ate the sour kraut too! Once she was finished eating pizza, the sirens sounded and the Happy Joe's staff brought her out an ice cream sundae and sang her Happy Birthday! I probably don't even have to tell you this, but she LOVED the ice cream!! She just went to town on it. Daddy helped her at first, them we just let her have at it. She got a little messy, buy not too bad. Once she was finished eating. We let her down from her highchair and she was off. She walked up and down the restaurant again and again, greeting everyone. Everyone just smiled at her and said, "Happy Birthday!" Then she would turn around and come running back to us. It was too cute. Needless to say, she was all hopped up on sugar, didn't sleep on the way home. Then once we got home she was still all over the place until we placed her in her crib, and she was out like a light. We had an AWESOME day, the BEST baby in the world and we just love her to pieces. Since our one year warranty is up, I think we'll keep her!
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