Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Think She's a Keeper!

Our Little Pumpkin

Mmmmm... Leaves are good

A couple of weekends ago, the weather was so nice that Addy and I decided to go outside and take some pictures. I was trying to get a good picture of her in the leaves, in front of the pumpkins and the mum, but she had other things on her schedule. She loved the leaves! I did not know this, but apparently leaves are very tasty. Just ask Addysen :)

Almost Crawling...

She is still getting up on all four's and rocking back and forth. She has not officially crawled yet. She does pull herself with her arms to get to where she needs to go. We'll keep you updated.

Hey Guys... Where'd You Go?

This picture is added for my mom. She gets such a kick out of Addysen when she does this (which she does all the time.) If you lay Addysen down and walk away from her, she pulls up like she is doing a sit up, plus her feet go up in the air - just so she can find you. Then she gets tired, so she puts her head and feet down and then up her head and feet go again and again. It is pretty amusing to watch!

Friday, October 19, 2007


We have no idea why she does this, but she does it all the time. She'll just stop what she is doing, roll over onto her side and put her hand on her leg. It's like she is practicing for a modeling gig. (you never know when someone is going to need you to strike a pose - she's ready)

Sweet Baby

Look What I Can Do.

This picture was taken when on one of the first nights that we discovered that she could sit up on her own.

Addysen's 6 month check up

*Last Friday, Addysen had her 6 month check up. She did so well! She is now 15 lbs 12 oz and 26 inches long. She had to get 4 shots:( But she was a champ. She only cried for a few seconds and that was it! She was a little fussy the rest of the day, but she was able to hang in there and run errands in town with mommy.
*She now has 1 tooth, and I think another one has been trying to come through for a while now, but it just hasn't popped through yet.
*She is now eating stage one foods, and it is going really well. So far, she has liked everything we have given her, except peas. She gives us the icky medicine face every time we put it in her mouth.
*She is now on the move. She is rolling all over the place and doing the army crawl. And just today, she has started getting up on all 4's and rocking back and forth! It won't be long before she is crawling like a mad woman! She can also sit up all by herself! She occasionally tumbles over, but she is getting so strong.

Aaron and I are having so much fun with her. We just love to hear her giggle and coo. She just couldn't be any cuter!

Greetings From The Link's!

Okay, I am going to copy my friend Katie and create a blog. I have really enjoyed looking at her web page, so I decided that I would do one too! I also thought that this might save me some time in the long run, on keeping everyone up-to-date on our beautiful baby girl, Addysen Grace. I can't believe that I'm actually doing this. I fully intend to be made fun of, Aaron has already started the teasing!