Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ainsley & Daddy Play!

One afternoon when Addysen was gone with Grandma Sharon and Papa, Ainsley got to play with Daddy, ALL BY HERSELF!  She had fun beating up on Aaron, and from the looks of the pictures, she won!

i love this picture... she looks like a hunter posing with the prey she just shot and killed!

"Ha Ha! Take that Daddy!"

"Oh, that didn't hurt... How does this feel tough guy?!"

looks like she is tagging her baby in for this round!

Alright, she's packed her bag and she is outta here.  Looks like she took out Aaron and Elmo :)

And now it is time to relax and reflect...

crazy baby!  she is so much fun!

She loves her cows!

ready to walk "her" calf, and looking very fashionable:)

Addysen is learning fast... how to handle these calves!

Letting Macy wet her whistle :)

Addysen and her favorite calf, Macy... That we just sold:( 
YES it was VERY traumatic for her!

Taking off her halter.

Landon's Baptism

The day after Ainsley's first birthday, we went to Landon's baptism in the Quad Cities. It is always so good to see all the Johnson's and all my cousins. We have so much fun together, and don't get to see each other nearly enough!!

Aaron and Ainsley after church

All the kids playing after church at the church playground.

Poor Ainsley was too little to ride the merry-go-round :(

All the female Johnson cousins and our kids
( Dirk -the only boy cousin- and his kids are the only ones missing )

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ainsley's 1st Birthday!

The ladybug cookies that I made for Ainsley to take to Hope's house for her birthday treat.

When Ainsley woke up on her birthday, we gave her this green chair as her special birthday present.  She loves it and plays in it all the time.  The trick is trying to keep big sister out of it...

Ainsley's birthday cake - SO cute and SO delicious!

Her "smash" cake

The pretty birthday girl in her birthday outfit.

swinging with cousin Anna at her birthday party

All the babies loved playing in the playhouse together. 

Opening presents.

Ainsley's new car from Grandma Sharon and Papa

It's time for cake!!

Miss Ainsley was not shy at all!  She dug right into the cake and had it EVERYWHERE!!!  I even think she got some in her mouth:)

me and my messy baby!
(so much fun!!!!)

family birthday pic:)

This is how we found Ainsley the next morning...  I guess she partied a little too hard:)

But as always, as soon as we woke her up, she was our happy baby.  Tired baby, but HAPPY baby!

Happy 1st Birthday Ainsley Noel Link!

VBS 2011

July 25-29th Addysen had her second round of Vacation Bible School.  In June she went to Hope's church for Bible School and had a BLAST!!!  So when it was time for VBS at our church, she couldn't wait to go, plus she got to go with her cousins.  Once again she had a blast with all the activities, songs and kids at the Panda Mania themed week.  It was a lot of running back and forth for me...
 but well worth it!

Back: Aubrie, Addysen, Lexi
Front: Ben, Hunter

The girls

The boys

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Baker's Visit Home!

The Bakers came home for a week long visit.  We packed as much as week could into one week.  By the end of the week, we were all exhausted from all the different activities and all the family bonding.  (but it was all well worth it! - we've missed them A LOT!)
The first nigh they got there, we had supper at the Lott's.  Emily and Bryan enjoyed getting to know their newest nieces!

Frank The Tank (Evan) and Ainsley kept everyone entertained with their cuteness!

Aunt Emily couldn't get enough of these babies!

Back: Caleb, Morgan, Addysen, Aubrie, Ben
Front: Evan, Ainsley
On Monday afternoon we went out to Oak Run to swim at the beach.  Since the Baker's live in Washington, it hasn't been warm enough for them to swim yet this year... it was warm enough here!!!

On Wednesday, we went to Niabi Zoo!
A big hit with the kids is always feeding the fish, ducks and turtles.

group photo in front of the eagle.

Pretty girls!

Handsome boys!

After the zoo, we headed down the road for some air conditioning and some pizza at Happy Joe's.

Thursday morning, we headed to Peoria and had some pictures taken of the kids at Bradley Park.  We had a few issues with some cooperating... but everyone ended up putting on their happy face and we got the job done.  It was fun and the pictures turned out great!  Check out the pictures by clicking on the link below!

Pictures of the Cousins

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Crop Dusting - WHOA!

It is always exciting watching the planes crop dusting the fields around the area... and this year, they buzzed right over our house!  Exciting and scary all at the same time.