Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wildlife Prairie Park

It was a beautiful day, Daddy was in the field, and the girls were itching to get outside and play, so the girls and I had a fun afternoon with the Lott's!  We started off with lunch at Ludy's in Kickapoo.  It was our first time there and it was great!  The food was good and it was a perfect day to sit outside, especially with 5 energetic little monsters;)  Then we headed to Wildlife Prairie Park, where the animals were hard to spot, but the scenery was BEAUTIFUL!  It was a great day!

our first stop was the park area and the BIG SLIDE!

Miss Morgy even took Ainsley down the BIG slide!
But Mommy felt more safe with Ainsley on this slide, and Ainsley had just as much fun.... "by herself" (which is her new favorite thing to say)
Getting a drink before walking out and around the park....water fountains are fun!

best buds!

Ains and Frank checking out the cows

The old school house
Here we tried to get a picture of all the kids, but Addysen was pouting because Caleb was on the horse, and Frank was not interested in participating:)

Here, this makes everyone happy - everyone on the horse!

The best I got of these little weirdos:)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Girl Scouts Horse Farm Activity

The first activity for Addysen's Girl Scouts troop was an afternoon at a horse farm.  We got to go on a wagon ride to see the whole farm, the girls got to lead a horse, they learned how to groom a horse and they went on a scavenger hunt. I think all the girls had a blast, and left wanting a horse;)

Lauren, Emma, Lexi, Ava and Addysen are ready for the wagon ride!

Addysen learning how to lead a horse.

The girls learning how to groom a horse.

Ainsley, Emma, Addysen and Lexi - ready to go on the scavenger hunt

Addysen's Daisy's troop

Once the activity was over, Addysen got to ride her friend Ava's horse!

She had so much and did such a great job.

Ainsley even got to ride!

Thank you Miss Jiliane, Ava and Lauren for letting our girls ride your horse!  They enjoyed EVERY minute of it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A good deed.

On September 22, Lindsay and I took the kids to Niabi Zoo for the afternoon.  We went to enjoy the weather, to check out the animals and to enjoy each others company.  But more importantly, we went so Addysen and Peighton could donate their money, that they raised at their summer lemonade stand, to the elephant exhibit. 

Peighton donating her money

Addysen donating her money.

checking out the elephants and talking about why they need a new home.

sweet, crazy little ladies

all the kiddos with the giraffes.