Thursday, April 25, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Addysen took swimming lessons in April and then Addysen, Ainsley and I took swimming lessons in May. Addysen was in a new class in April and it was difficult for her, but she improved so much in the 2 months that she was taking lessons. We are so proud of her, she worked so hard and enjoyed every minute of it. By the end of the May session she was able to swim on her back all the way across the pool, swim under water, learned the freestyle stroke, how to go to the bottom of the pool for rings and is trying to learn how to dive off the side of the pool (which she hasn't quite mastered yet, but it won't be long!) 

she's pretty pumped that she has goggles this year!
There she is, diving into the water.  She was able to do it the first couple of times, until she belly flopped.  Now she is scared to do it... I know if she keeps practicing, she'll get it.
look, she found the ring!
ready to jump off the lifeguard stand.
Ainsley and I took the Mommy and me class in May and we had a good time.  She did a great job and she improved a lot over the month with kicking her feet, using her arms, jumping into the water and putting her head under water.  I think we have 2 little fish on our hands, they love to swim!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Addysen's Kindergarten Play

Addysen was a goat in the Kindergarten play. 

Addysen is on the left side of her fellow goats;)

She did such a good job learning her lines that she was asked to learn some more lines, this time the lines of a cow!  It was a cute little play, but what else would you expect from Kindergartners.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Skating Party!

On the last day of Addysen's birthday celebration, she had a friend party at Skate Palace in Galesburg. (oh boy did this bring back a lot of memories for me!)  I did not skate because I was afraid I'd hurt myself, but Lexi's Dad (my cousin Dirk) did, and he did a good job showing off for all the kids;)  Addysen invited all of her best buddies to this party so they could skate, eat snacks, and just let the good times roll;)

Addysen and all of her buddies.

skating like a champ.
look at the little ones skate! they can do it just like the big girls! 
Time to make a wish!
Time for a little snack!
We had a giant cookie, ice cream, juice boxes, pop and popcorn. 
time for presents!
Then we ended the party with some more skating and the limbo!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Candy Thief!

Our little Piggy (aka: Ainsley) loves candy. So when Easter came around and all that candy came into our house, Ainsley has been in heaven;)  Because of these pictures and because I have been finding candy wrappers all over the house, I started hiding the candy on top of the refrigerator. And let me tell you, Ainsley has not been happy about that...

Can I smile my way out of this one??
How about just one more?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Addysen's 6th Birthday

April 1, 2013 Addysen turned 6 years old. As this was her first year celebrating a birthday while she was in school, she was so pumped to spend the day at school with her friends.  She felt pretty special all day and was treated like a star by her friends and the teachers. So she started the day with school, then went to tumbling and then we finished the day with supper at Happy Joes.  It was a special day for our special girl! We love you Addysen Grace Link!

This is the snack that Addysen took to school as her treat.  Since she doesn't like frosting, I have to get creative on what we bring.  So this year we decided on chocolate covered pretzels. They were easy to do and she loved helping me make them.
At Happy Joes - her shirt says it all:)
Our little family with our special birthday girl!
Grandma Sharon and Papa with the birthday girl
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a very special birthday here tonight. Her name is Addysen and she is 6 years old!
And look at that bling!  She got that necklace with all the tickets she won.  It is a charm necklace that we put a picture of Rocko, the farm dog, in it.
Anna and Ainsley - two little goofballs.
And while the girls were playing, Lola was beating up on Uncle Aaron;)