Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cattle Sale

Anytime there is an opportunity to do something with the farm, our girls JUMP at the chance and have a blast doing it.
Anna and Ainsley
these girls sure love their Daddy's and those cows.
Addysen and her Uncle Nate.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Channel Dinner

On Friday night we headed into Oneida to the Channel Seed dinner hosted by Brett & Krista Swanson. It was good food and good company. Obviously we went because Daddy was invited, some kids might find it boring, but not our farm girls. They can find fun anywhere they go!

and Addysen found some friends (Will and McKenna) to play with.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Painting with Momma & Tammy

This year for my Mom's birthday I got her the gift of painting and dinner.  She had never done the wine and painting thing & she had never ate at the Iron Spike, so we crossed both of those off her list in one night.  It was a fun mother/daughter night.  I hope she enjoyed it as much as I did. 

An action shot of Mom painting.
our finished products.

Lake Day

Our girls LOVE to go to the lake and swim off our boat! 

Ainsley and Daddy.

These two.... They like to play rough. And just for the record, Addysen asked Daddy to do this to her.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend, we took some time and got pictures taken of Grandma Sharon and Papa's grand kids.  The picture shoot got cut short due to weather, but it just made more time for us to make it to Galesburg for some tacos!  Later in the day, we headed over to Grandma & Papa's for a family cookout.

Grandma Sharon & Papa and their pride and joy.
Grandma & Papa and their "little" boys.
Great-Grandma Marge and Baby Graham.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Jail Bait

Ms. Coco is a very sweet girl.  She doesn't like to be alone.  If she is outside alone, she usually runs to the farm.  But on this day, she was scared of the thunder that was happening. Ains and I hopped in the car and headed to Hope's house and Coco snuck out of the garage before the door closed and she started chasing us.  Usually she stops when she gets to the drive at the pasture, but I guess she didn't this time.  About 1/2 hour later, I got a call from Aaron that Coco had run to the highway and got picked up.  The nice person took her to the Alpha Vet.  Since I was on my way home, I just headed to Alpha to bail her out of "jail."

fresh out of the big house.
gave me her paw to hold.  I'm sure she is saying sorry here. 
tired from her long journey and time in the slammer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Garden Fresh

Here is some of my loot from my garden this year...

We had cucumbers coming our of our ears!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

1st Day of 2nd Grade

Addysen's 2nd grade teacher sent her students a note in the mail before school started.  It introduced herself and told the kids about the exciting year that they were about to start.  Inside the envelope she put confetti that the kids were suppose to put under their pillow the night before the 1st day of school to help them sleep and wake fresh and bright.  Addysen loved this and thought it was so cool!
Ainsley was excited about the confetti too --  love this sisterly love!!!
Look at that fashionista!  She is ready for the 2nd Grade with Mrs. Strom!

Friday, August 15, 2014

New Windsor Rodeo

We continue the family tradition... and all the kids enjoy it as much as we did as kids.  

Ains, Evan and the bulls.
no idea what she is doing, but she's cute!
always impressive to watch.
There is a double photo bomb... Aunt Tammy and Aunt Cheryl.
Hunter and Ainsley selfie
Top row cuties.
Finally there was room for them to get closer to that action!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A pulled tooth

Sadly, Addysen had to have a tooth pulled.  It obviously hurt her, but she was a rock star and pulled through!  She was numb most of day, which is no fun, but there is a reason to smile and giggle in EVERY situation, and we found it....

 :)  look at that goofy smile!  :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Beach Day

We love our beach days with the Lott's!

bathing beauties!
such cute little nerds.
Beach babes!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

2014 Illinoi State Fair

We had a great time at the State Fair this year. We showed cattle, road rides, saw some shows, and spent lots of time with our family. We were there for 3 fun-packed days. By Sunday afternoon the girls were exhausted!

Friday was all about the cows.

The best 7 year old show girl I know!
she's got her calf set up like a pro!

A blue ribbon for her class!
Uncle Nate in the show ring.
Daddy even got to show off his skills in the show ring.
Uncle Nate, Addysen, Daddy and Ty-Ty all went into the ring together to show 3 of a kind.
very proud of our little farm girls. Addysen does a great job showing and Ainsley always helps out whenever she can.
This girl is ready to comb some cattle.
Time to go to tie-outs.
There goes Addysen
Look at that tough little girl pulling on the calf!
The support crew...carrying the extra beer:)
it doesn't get any cuter that that!
When Anna hugs.... she means it!
best buddies.
Both girls spent a lot of time with Grandma Sharon exploring the fair. So the rest of us spent the day hanging out in the cattle barns, and then headed to tie-outs. 

While the girls were with Grandma, I made it down to check out the butter cow.

Ains helping Daddy
Addyen walking her calf like a BOSS!!
Uncle Nate getting some help from Anna and Ains.
Sunday was a jam packed day with showing and fun on the midway.

Ains giving the cows a pep talk before the show:)
This girl does not want her picture taken, but IS ready to show!
Into the ring she goes.
Setting up her calf, while Daddy watches.
doing a great job keeping her head up.
OMG! How cute is she?!
Uncle Nate's turn to show.
These girls are losing interest, but are still being good and behaving.
After show chat with Ty-Ty and Daddy.
Time to hit the midway!!!
first ride, the dragon roller coaster.
Ains and Anna on the "drop" ride.
A ride on the carousel... always  favorite.
last, and the most favorite, the trampolines!