On Friday night, we took Addysen to her first "show." We went to see the Disney on ice - Princess classics. Addysen was SO EXCITED. She had an AWESOME time and we had the best time watching her. She is so great, fun and sweet. I want her to stay 2 forever!
Excited for the show to start...
watching VERY closely!
talking over the show with Daddy at the intermission.
Mommy and Addy
The light toy she got at the ice show.
I was so glad that Mickey and Minnie were there. Just before we got there, she told Aaron and I that she liked Mickey Mouse and that he was her friend. So she was really excited to see him.
The stars of the show, Cinderella and her Prince.
Addysen's favorite princess was Snow White. I'm not sure if this is her favorite because she likes her or if it is because her friend, Ava, was Snow White for Halloween. Either way - still cute.