As many know, the end of August and the beginning of September was pretty rough on our family, therefore blogging was put on the back burner. Over three long weeks, I watched my Dad slowly fade away from this life. Watching this process was the worst thing that I have ever been through. He was the strongest, toughest man I knew. He fought and lived through the worst of life. One of the strongest battles he fought was his 19 year fight against MS. Over the years it slowly and continually took the best parts of him that I haven't seen in so long and miss so dearly. He was the best Dad! He was fun, extremely funny and witty, caring, supportive and encouraging. He was a proud dad, proud of his girls, proud of his family, proud of his job, proud of his country. He was just an all around great guy. I miss him so much. I'm so sad and angry that he had this disease and that it took him from all the things that he loved the most. Why did this happen to my family? Why did this happen to my dad? Why do these things happen to good people? I don't understand. It feels so unfair... These are the things that keep going through my head. I know life is not fair and I know one day we'll understand why this happened, but it still hurts so much. He was my Dad, he was suppose to be here for a long time, he was suppose to be here to see my kids and watch them grow up. I hate that this happened and I hate MS. Luckily not all people with MS end up like my Dad, but it is still a nasty disease, that no one deserves. We're proud to say that MS did not win this battle, my Dad did. He has now been given a new eternal life, a life free from disease and free from his worn down body. Although he is no longer with us, I can still take comfort in knowing he is whole again. He can do all the things that he had not done in so long, walk, communicate and eat. I know he will be watching over us as our guardian angels from now until we meet again. Until then, he'll always live on in my heart, for me to share with my girls. And as for his stories and one-liners, they will live on in our house until the very end.
While sharing memories and stories over the past several weeks about my Dad I have come to realized that his approach to life was right on. He always lived life to the fullest and never took things too seriously. As I have learned through my Dad's life experience, LIFE IS TOO SHORT, we are only here for a temporary stay, so while we're here lets live... Live Like Larry:)