Like the Griswalds, each year we "kick off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols", The Link Family Christmas Tree! Usually, we head over to
Grohmann's Christmas Tree Farm in Gilson, Illinois, but this year we wanted to try something different....and different is what we got. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a tree farm sign on route 150, on the way to Moline. It was a nice big sign, so I thought that it would have a nice BIG selection. WRONG! It was a small lot with a bunch of dying trees. To top it off, the creepy man that owned the tree farm, followed us around the whole time and told us about every tree we stopped to look at. Aaron and I just wanted to get out of there, but we couldn't lose him, as he was on our tail at every tree! Finally, the owner went to check on the other family and we took that as our opportunity to book it outta there! We felt bad for leaving, but we were losing daylight and we needed to get a tree that day! So we found another tree farm.... CLOSED. Crap. What do we do now? Well, Aaron didn't want me to tell anyone, but we purchased our family Christmas tree this year, at a tree lot in Galesburg. Not exactly the scene I pictured for our tree buying adventure, but the day was an adventure in itself. We wanted to do something different, AND WE DID:)
Addysen and Ainsley in front of our tree we just picked out. (notice to concrete parking lot) |
The Link's and the Family Christmas Tree |
Addysen freaked out and didn't want to put the star on the tree, because it was too high! |
So Ainsley did it - or pretended to do it:) |
The Link Family Christmas Tree |