May 1st started off like any other Sunday for us... We got up, had cinnamon rolls, rushed around the house and we sped off to Sunday School, where we were actually on time!!! We went to church and then we came home to have lunch. Ainsley went down for a nap, I started to clean, and Aaron and Addysen went to the farm to plant sweet corn. Pretty normal right? Late in the afternoon, Aaron, Addysen and Rocko came home on the John Deere Gator to check the cows and check on Ainsley and I. Aaron came in the house and said that they were headed back to the farm to feed a couple more cows and then they were going to get pizza for supper. (Addysen stayed outside to play with Rocko and pick dandelions). Aaron left the house and I continued to clean...* The next thing I heard was Aaron running in the house, yelling Addysen's name and telling her to breath!! I immediately ran to the kitchen to find Addysen crying and lying on the kitchen table as Aaron was searching her body for injury. As I examined what was happening, I saw the sorrow and panic within Aaron and the pain and fear within Addysen. I knew that this was NOT the time to start asking questions and that it was NOT the time to freak out! I went right to Addysen's face, got her eye contact and started calmly running my hands through her hair and I spoke slowly and softly to re-assure her that everything was going to be okay.
*This is what happened as Aaron went outside... Both Aaron and Addysen got on the gator. Aaron started it up and he started to back up. As he did, Addysen was leaning over the side of the gator looking for Rocko. She lost her balance and fell off but Aaron did not see this happen and the gator rolled over her. Aaron jumped off the gator, grabbed Addysen up and ran her into the house.*
We took her the St. Mary's ED to be checked out. I think we both expected to go there, have a few x-rays and be sent home, as she did not seem to have any major visible injuries. But due to the type of injury and the location of her injury, the Emergency room doctor said, "We need to life flight her to the Children's Hospital." WHAT!? We couldn't believe it - we were so scared, and our night was just beginning. Before she boarded the helicopter, they had to put an IV in her arm (which took 4 pokes), and they put a neck brace on her. All of these things were very traumatic for Addysen, as she is a drama girl. (when she was 2, she was scared... I mean TERRIFIED... of just band aids. I think because of the first time I put one on her, it hurt her when I took it off). Knowing this about my girl, I knew that I could not show any fear, even though inside I was a wreck! The next thing we had to deal with was the nurse saying, "You can not ride with her in the helicopter." WHAT!? We could not believe this and at the time, were very angry. I told Addysen about this and of course she freaked out at first, but luckily the life flight nurses were extremely nice and comforting. They came in, introduced themselves and explained everything they were doing to her. They got her strapped down to a backboard (such a scary way to see your child) and they were ready to go. Aaron and I gave her some love, she shared her stickers with us and she was off with the life flight crew to the helicopter. As she was being wheeled out of the ED, I heard our sweet, smart little girl tell the life flight nurse, "My Momma told me I was suppose to breath."
Addysen and the life flight crew made it to the Children's Hospital about 25 minutes before we did. As we walked into the ED, Pastoral care walked us back to meet Addysen. She was doing well, as she was playing on an ipad with the child life specialist. I could see the relief in her face as we walked into the room. As soon as we got there, I went with her while they did a CT on her belly. Again, this was a scary process, but I was able to hold her hand and talk to her the whole time. (by this time, she had already gained many stickers and 2 stuffed animals). The CT showed that she had a stage 4 liver laceration and a stage 1 spleen laceration. The plan was to watch her hemoglobin levels overnight. If they went up, it would mean that there was internal bleeding and they would have to do surgery, but if they didn't then they would just continue to watch it for 5-7 days. So Addysen was taken up to the PICU where she stayed over night. The next day, her hemoglobin levels went up 1 point, but her doctor was not concerned over this 1 point. So the doctor orders were for her to be on strict bed rest, she was not even allowed to sit up. By 11am she got her neck brace off, by 12pm she was put on a clear liquid diet and by early afternoon, she was moved to intermediate care, by late afternoon she was on a full liquid diet and by supper, she was on a regular diet. I will have to say that even though Addysen is a "drama girl" she really didn't complain much. The only complaints I heard from her was that on Sunday night she wanted a drink of water and then on Monday, all she wanted to eat was a sandwich. So on Monday night, she had a turkey & cheese sandwich with dip (mayo). - she liked it so much that she ate that everyday for lunch and supper! - They continued to test her hemoglobin levels and they started to s-l-o-w-l-y drop. On Tuesday, they moved her to the regular PED's unit, Wednesday, she was able to get out of bed for the first time!!! She was excited... we were excited!!! She did so well, we was so proud of her. Then on Thursday, May 5, we were able to come home!
Can you find Addysen?
here she is while she was in intermediate care. These are all of the gifts she had accumulated in just 24 hours...
and this is probably only half of what we went home with! |
This was the first time she was able to get up and out of bed. So we went down to the activity room, where there were lots of fun toys and different crafts. |
After laying in bed for 4 days, Addysen had quite the rats nest in her hair - it was the beginning of dreadlocks! I loaded it with conditioner and we got all the tangles out with only a few tears. Actually, more tears came from taking off the plastic and tape that was covering her IV site.
So now we are home, but home with restrictions. Addysen is restricted to low activity play and is not allowed to go to daycare for 1 month. She is not allowed to run, jump, play on her swing set, ride her bike, ride her scooter or anything that could possibly hurt her belly. Looking at her, you wouldn't be able to tell that she is hurt, but she does still have some pretty serious injuries on her liver and spleen. So over this month we have done lots of art, played Lego's, painted our nails, watched LOTS of movies, played with the water table, watched the cows "go through the chute", and ate at McDonald's. I've had so much fun playing with my little girl. I hope and pray that everything is all healed when we go back to the doctor, but I am LOVING being home with her!
There are no words to express how thankful we are to everyone for all of your thoughts, words and prayers. They were so uplifting to us during this stressful time. God is truely AMAZING! He answered our prayers and our girl is going to be okay.