This past Saturday, the Moran's came to visit us! We have only been trying to do this for the past 4 years! Katie was my college roommate and she is one terrific friend. I don't know another person as kind and thoughtful as her - I'm lucky to have her in my life! [and her family is just as sweet as she is:)] We had wonderful day, we checked out the farm, we cooked out and the girls played, dressed up and swam in the pool.
Ainsley, Addysen, Maddie and Mary Kate |
Ainsley and Mary Kate |
Maddie and Addy driving a tractor! |
Mary Kate, Maddie and Addysen sitting on the fuel take of the semi. |
Best Buds already! |
Mary Kate (in Maddie's cowboy boots), Maddie and Addysen checking out the cows. |
look at that... these two city girls are already climbing the gate! |
looking at all those piggies! |
Walking back from the hog barns... |
Playing restaurant in the playhouse! |
Time for dress up! |
Here I asked the girls to give me their best model pose... |
SOOOOO CUTE when they put their arms around each other!
(rock stars in the making!)
This day was so much fun! It was so neat to see how Addy and Maddie were so much alike. They have only played together twice before (when they were 1 and when they were 2). Even though these 4 year olds have very different lives, they still like to play the same things, make believe the same things, sass off to their mothers and boss around their little sisters! It was a fun thing to watch, and I hope we can do it again soon!