Oh Ainsley! You never know what she is going to do next! She put on quite the show for us when she put this little ensemble on;) She likes to get on the "stage" (or fireplace) and perform for us, just like her sister!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Evan's 3rd Birthday!
Happy Birthday Frank! We love you! |
Evan wanted pink cupcakes with pink frosting and sparkles and that is what her Momma made her! So cute and yummy! |
Time for presents! Addysen is wearing her coat because she wanted to go outside and play, but no Morgy did not;( |
After the supper, playing, cupcakes and presents the girls snuggled into Evan's new "daybed" and watched a movie! |
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Trick -or- Treating
We started trick-or-treating on the Sunday before Halloween, and we finished up on Halloween. The girls had a blast and got LOTS of candy. Aaron and I had fun watching the girls, but man, it is a chore driving from house to house, loading and unloading the girls.... Glad it's over for another year:)
our little cow and Dorthy (from the Wizard of "Bob") are ready to trick-or-treat! |
first stop... to see Marge |
Now Miss Anna, the cheerleader, is with us at Grandma Sharon and Papa's house. |
Ainsley, Addysen and Anna. (now all three of these girls have worn this cow costume:) |
"Grandma" Ruth and the girls |
Our girls and the Higgerson kiddos! |
Trick-or-Treat Patsy! |
a stop at Lois's house. |
and one last stop at Grandma K's house! |
Grandma K makes a good Dorthy too:) |
Addysen's School Halloween Party
On Halloween, I went to Addysen's class for her Halloween party. I helped her carve a pumpkin, the kids went trick-or-treating in the high school, they listened to some books, they had treats and played a game. It was a fun afternoon and I was so glad that I got to be there with her!
Addysen and the pumpkin that we carved |
Addysen and her friend Abbie |
snack time |
They played a game where they turned each other in to mummy's by wrapping their partner in toilet paper. |
Friday, November 2, 2012
Carving Pumpkins
The girls had a blast carving pumpkins and pulling out all the gunk! It's a fun family tradition that I was happy to have Ainsley participate in this year!
Ainsley's is on the left & Addysen's is on the right |
The left side of this pictures says, "Happy Halloween!" The right side of the pictures seems to be saying, "I hate this!" |
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Girl Scouts Halloween Party
The girls had a great time at the girl scouts Halloween Party. We painted pumpkins, went on a hay rack ride, made popcorn hands, swung at a pinata, roasted weenies and played. It was a fun afternoon!
First lost tooth!
I'm a little behind on blogging, but Addysen lost her first tooth on October 13! It was loose for about a week or so and she was pretty freaked out about it, but once it came out, she was a champ.... so I was told. She lost it at Grandma Sharon and Papa's house. Today is November 1, and we still have not put the tooth out for the tooth fairy, as she is still scared to have her come into her room in the middle of the night. So I will just hold onto it, until she is ready... whenever that might be??
Papa's Pumpkin's
Papa planted pumpkins this year. It was fun going over to their house to pick them out with him. I was happy we got some good pictures of them too, as this will be Grandma and Papa's last year in their farm house :( | ||
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Papa and Grandma Sharon and their little pumpkins;) |

Let's go Papa! We're all loaded up! |
Addysen was Papa's special pumpkin washer helper! |
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