On Thanksgiving, we went to Aunt Cheryl's house in Altona. We had a fabulous, yummy lunch, the kids played and ran around like wild animals and I got to catch up with the fam and all my adorable cousins;). I did bring my camera, intending to take tons of cute pictures, but totally forgot - whoops! But we must have had a good time, because this is the one and only picture that I have that Tammy took with her phone, right before we left;)
The next night, we went to Grandma Sharon and Papa's house for Thanksgiving with the Links. I did bring my camera again, but this time, I took pictures. We had a good time, delicious food (all prepared by Grandma Sharon) and once again the girls ran around like uncaged animals. There was even a crab walk race, some wheelbarrowing and a pillow fight. It was a good Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for ALL of my wonderful family!
Silly girls "eating" supper |
Anna and Ainsley, best buds! |
Addysen's wheelbarrow |
Ainsley's wheelbarrow |
Anna's wheelbarrow |
Aaron's evil/fun little game with the girls. Hit them with pillows until they fall down. It really is a win/win kind of game. For us, it's funny when they fall, for them, they like to get hit with pillows.
The crab walk race... it is clear that Uncle Nate cheated;)