Friday, October 19, 2007

Addysen's 6 month check up

*Last Friday, Addysen had her 6 month check up. She did so well! She is now 15 lbs 12 oz and 26 inches long. She had to get 4 shots:( But she was a champ. She only cried for a few seconds and that was it! She was a little fussy the rest of the day, but she was able to hang in there and run errands in town with mommy.
*She now has 1 tooth, and I think another one has been trying to come through for a while now, but it just hasn't popped through yet.
*She is now eating stage one foods, and it is going really well. So far, she has liked everything we have given her, except peas. She gives us the icky medicine face every time we put it in her mouth.
*She is now on the move. She is rolling all over the place and doing the army crawl. And just today, she has started getting up on all 4's and rocking back and forth! It won't be long before she is crawling like a mad woman! She can also sit up all by herself! She occasionally tumbles over, but she is getting so strong.

Aaron and I are having so much fun with her. We just love to hear her giggle and coo. She just couldn't be any cuter!

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