Let your light SHINE Ainsley Noel Link!
This week, the sermon was about discovering what kind of light you are, and what "light" God has given to you. As Pastor Tim mentioned, Ainsley may still be too young to see what her light is going to be, but she does already have that light. He gave this example, last week, during communion, she lit up the entire row of people with one big smile.
What a powerful and important light!! Who knew that one smile could make such an impact! In the grand scheme of things, it may be a small gesture, but it should still be celebrated. This past Sunday, Ainsley was baptized as a child of God. And now we get to watch as she grows in faith and shines her light onto others.
Pastor Tim, Me, Ainsley, Aaron and
God Parents, Uncle Nate and Aunt Mary |
Pastor Tim placing the holy water over Ainsley's head. |
Pastor Tim and Ainsley as he introduced her to our church family |
Addysen singing with her Sunday School class, "This Little Light of Mine". This was Addysen's first performance in front of the church. Before the song started, Grandma K was trying to get Addysen to smile. Addysen mis-read Grandma K's coaching. Instead of smiling, she took her index fingers, and pulled out on the corners of her lips and stuck out her tongue - making a silly face:) Unfortunately, my first thought was, "STOP IT!!" It should have been, "quick get the camera!!" It was quite a sight to see from my shy little lady and it got quite the laugh. |
After church, everyone came over to our house for lunch. We were so happy that our family was there to celebrate this day with us. |
Pretty Baby Anna - ready for a picture |
Anna, Addysen (dressed as Bell) and Ainsley |
I don't know if it was my crazy week, lack of sleep or my aging mind, but there were so many pictures that I wanted to get that I didn't... Oh well, I guess without a camera in my hand, I was more present in the moment to enjoy the day and to make precious memories... if I can remember;)
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