Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

We picked out our Christmas tree on one NASTY day!  No it was not snowing... it was pouring rain - now doesn't that say "Christmas!"  I really wanted Ainsley to participate in picking out the tree for her first Christmas - really to just get pictures - but it was just too wet out.  She was already asleep in the truck, so that is where she stayed, while Aaron, Addysen and I dashed out to the tree lot.  We thought that we made a pretty good selection, until we got it home. It has a nice shape, but it is pretty short and fat.  Oh well, it's another family memory for us!

 My wet, wet Addysen and our fat tree!

 Addysen, me and our fat tree, behind some rain drops!


The finished product!
Yes that is Aaron lifting up Cinderella to put the star on the tree!
We're ready for Santa!

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