One evening, as the girls were playing together in Addysen's room, a memory was made. They played nicely and quietly together for about 45 minutes. Then it was bedtime. Aaron went into Addysen's room and got Ainsley. She came out and gave me a kiss good night. Aaron took her to her room, changed her diaper, took out her hair pretty and and put her in bed. Just as we do every night. The next morning, I went to get Ainsley out of bed, and I looked at her (in shock) and said, "What in the world happened to your hair!" My sweet little girl, with beautiful long blond hair, now has bangs. No - not terrible, and I am thanking my lucky stars that the rest of her hair was not cut, but, WHAT HAPPENED? So, I took her out to show Addysen. And after some questioning, I got her to confess. She cut her hair last night! AHH! That little turkey! Yes, I was mad, but she didn't get in trouble. Because, like I said, it didn't look horrible. I told her that if she ever did it again, she'd be in BIG trouble! All day, I just kept giggling at her, because it just didn't look like her anymore. I asked Addysen why she did it, and she said, "I wanted to make her look goofy." Well, I'm not so sure that is the real reason, I think that is the only reason she came up with because I told her that I thought she looked goofy... who knows! The important thing is that she didn't whack all of her hair off and no one got injured from the scissors! Lesson learned on my part too, the scissors have now been confiscated from her room.