On July 7, we spend the entire day out at Oak Run. We swam in the cove, we ate supper and then we watched fireworks on the boat. Miss Addysen, our little fish, swam ALL DAY LONG! Since it was a really hot day, Ainsley spend the afternoon, napping at Grandma Sharon and Papa's house, before joining us for the evening. We had a great day, and Addysen loved every minute of it... except when we told her it was time to get out of the water;)
Ainsley, ready to watch fireworks with Grandma Sharon and Papa |
Addysen was not done swimming yet, so her and Tyler got in the water to do a little night swimming before the fireworks started. |
Grandma Sharon and Ainsley, ready for the show to start. |
Addysen watching the fireworks. |
Ainsley moved back in the boat to watch with Daddy. |
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