On Ainsley's actual birthday, we spent the morning at the Higgerson's house, playing and having fun. But I soon realized the Ainsley was not acting like herself and not wanting to participate in play. So we went home and I discovered that she had a temp:( It made me sad that she was sick on her birthday, but it also gave me an afternoon with her just snuggling and watching movies. Unfortunately this meant that we couldn't go out for supper, so Daddy and Addysen brought home Ainsley's favorite, taco pizza. But as you can guess our little sicko barely ate. Her birthday may not have ended up at planned but she still got spoiled rotten and lots of love! Happy Birthday to my sweet, sassy, funny, ornery little girl!
ready for some gifts! |
She was so pumped up about her new belt and her stuffed Peppa pig family. |
and then she ran out of gas again:( Poor sweet girl. |