Well, a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. As for Addysen, she has finally learned how to crawl! And let me tell you, she is a pro now! She goes all over the house to explore! There are no more days of leaving her in one room and leaving to go do something real quick and expect she'll be in the same spot. More than likely she is in the next room or following you. She has also started pulling herself up! She pulls herself up on the coffee table and in her crib. She doesn't get to standing position yet, but she gets to her knees. It won't be long until she up all the way up, she is trying to figure it out.
As for me... Last Thursday, I hit a deer on the way home from work. It scared me to death. I am alright, but my car isn't. I am just glad Addysen wasn't with me yet when it happened. My car isn't fixed yet, but it's drivable now. The dealer had to put in a new headlight and blinker. So since Friday I have been driving a big boat of a car. Luckily, I got my trail blazer back tonight. Hopefully, everything will be all fixed and repaired by the middle of December. Until then, I'll just have to drive my damaged trail blazer (which by the way, we can't open the passenger door) so I guess if we go anywhere, we'll take Aaron's truck or Aaron will just have to be our chauffeur.
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