Aubrie and Addysen

Hey, nice hair...

Oooooooo!!!! Addysen loved seeing the chickens at Wild Life Prairie Park

Addysen, Ben, Aubrie and Morgan checking out the donkey. At first, Addysen was scared of the donkey, then she wanted to touch it after the other kids were. So I got her closer, but then she chickened out. She still loved looking at him. She just kept waving and saying, "Hi"

Caleb, Addysen and Grandma Karyn checking out the pony statue at Wild Life Prairie Park. Caleb is showing Miss Addysen how to pet it. (yes, Caleb calls Addysen, Miss Addysen)

Addysen and Aubrie played okay together. They both thought that the toy was theirs at Grandma Karyn's house.
Addysen is showing Aubrie how to push her baby stroller. Can we say bossy?
The one and only picture I got of Ben's face. He hates his picture taken now.

Uncle Bryan became a jungle gym as all the kids started jumping on him. What a sport!

Hey crazy lady with the weird hair, what are you doing? That's my juice cup!
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