Just last week, Hope noticed that Ainsley was folding her hands during their lunch time prayer. It was very obvious on one particular day. As Ainsley was drinking her bottle, Riley started the prayer. Ainsley put her bottle down and folded her hands like the other kids. I couldn't believe she did it!! So we watched her closely that night at supper, as Addysen began our supper time prayer. Sure enough, she folded her hands! So of course I had to get this on video to show the world that our child is genius! ;)
(Addysen is saying the prayer somewhat quietly, but as soon as Ainsley hears it she turns her head to look at her and folds her hands! It melts just my heart! - I guess I'm going to have to keep her too!)
*you may have to pause the music at the bottom of the page to hear Addysen*
*you may have to pause the music at the bottom of the page to hear Addysen*
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