Saturday, September 10, 2011

Illinois State Fair

Our family made it down to the Illinois State Fair for the first time EVER!  Well, I guess Aaron had gone before, but it had been a long time since he had been.  We had a good time and Addysen had an AWESOME time!! 
This little girl is 100% farm girl.
Macey and Addysen
This is Addysen's calf that she loved so dearly...

Addysen walking Macey to tie out's for the night.

Addysen and Grandma Sharon in the cattle barn.

Anna and Ainsley - the best babies I know!

Addysen and Aunt Mary taking the calves to tie out's for the night.
(Addysen's favorite part of the day)

100% Farm (hip/modern) Girl

Aunt Mary showing one of our calves...
One of the main reason's we went to the State Fair - to watch Aunt Mary, and she did a great job!

Although it would have been alright with Addysen, we did not spend our entire time in the cattle and pig barns.  We did head down to the fair and rides!!

motor-cycle momma!

Riding the mini ferris wheel!

This was the last thing we did before we left Springfield.  We both rode down this slide with Addysen and it was fun!!!

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