Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Years Eve!

We had a simple New Years Eve this year.  We just stayed home, ate, snacked, played games, snacked, played games, snacked and danced.  It was a fun evening with the family.  Both girls made it until after midnight.  Addysen got pretty sleepy and I think she would have fallen asleep, but Daddy made a deal with her that she could go with him to check the cows after midnight if she stayed up - she did not want to miss that!  Ainsley went strong ALL NIGHT LONG!  And she snacked ALL NIGHT LONG!  It was fun and I hope we do it again, not every year, but a couple more times!

Our spread!  It looks like we are having a HUGE party, but it was just us 4.  And yes, our little piggy Ainsley is getting started on snacking;)

The girls sitting down for a delicious NYE dinner.

Addysen started to fade during a rematch of memory.
doesn't this just say, "I'm ornery!"
Me and my girls - Happy NEW YEARS!

Aaron and his girls - Happy New Years!
Time for bed and Ainsley doesn't want to go, she wants a spin in the bilibo.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Link Family Christmas

Christmas night we went back to Grandma Sharon and Papa's house for one last Christmas, to end our marathon of Christmas parties.

The little Link girls
Anna got a microphone...."she's got moves like Jagger."

YES!!! Taylor Swift's new CD!

DORA! Ainsley is becoming a fan of Dora.  I'm not sure if it is because most little girls do, or it is because her best buddy Anna likes her;)

Ainsley's new baby bed!

Addysen got Bell, the talking Hallmark puppy and she loves her!

We had a wonderful Christmas marathon full of of family fun, family bonding, good food, a lot of laughter and love!  The only thing missing was my sister, her family and all those guardian angels that we are missing so much but are watching over us from heaven.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chistmas Morning

Well Addysen decided to let Santa come in the house this year.  She was still a little scared, so she thought the safest place for her to sleep was in Ainsley's room, in a tent.  So that is what she did, and she was safe.  Santa came, brought presents and she had no idea.

the first looks at what Santa brought and the cookies he ate.
Addysen asked Santa for a Brave doll and a puppy and that is what she got.  The puppy may not have been exactly what she was thinking, but a stuffed puppy is still a puppy:)
Ainsley asked Santa for a princess and he brought her an Ariel doll.
Addysen was so pumped to get the sparkly boots she asked for.

Ainsley and her "George" monkey

Addysen was so excited to get a necklace with a picture of her "boyfriend" on it... Harry from One Direction.

And since Addysen is such a music lover, we got her mp3 player. Since she is only 5 we got her one that was cheap and off brand.  I'm glad we didn't get anything else more expensive, as it took me 1 week to figure out how to put music on it and then once I gave it to her, she lost it after playing with it for one day... (ah!  lesson learned)

Olson Christmas

On Monday afternoon we went down to Peoria to the Lott's house for the Olson Christmas before we headed to Altona for Christmas Eve service.

Ainsley's new car seat for her baby.
Addysen got a MEEP!
Addysen was so excited about her MEEP that Grandma K got extra hug!
YAY!!  Addysen finally got a cuddleuppet!
The fellas opening their gifts
Can you tell Addysen is excited about her MEEP?
Ainsley and Evan both got innotab's.  Ainsley is loving hers, but I made the mistake of putting 2 songs on it, and she plays the songs over and over and over again!
Caleb's new buddy, Michael.

The Link Christmas

On Sunday we went back to Grandma Sharon and Papa's house for the Link Christmas where once again the girls were spoiled rotten;)

Anna, Addysen and Ainsley opening gifts

Addysen and Ainsley opening gifts

Addysen got new headbands.... so we thought it was appropriate for all the boys to try them on first;)  Corey and Uncle Nate
Tyler and Daddy - looking good guys!

Johnson Christmas

Saturday night we hosted the Johnson family Christmas at our house.  It was the first time that I had hosted the whole family, (minus the Bakers).  It was fun having everyone over and it was fun hosting.  I had one major slip up, and I didn't put the ham in early enough.... so we ended up slicing it up and putting it back in the oven until it was done.  Oh well, it was my first time cooking an 18 lb ham.  I learned a lesson;)

The night started with a concert put on by Ainsley and Frank.  (Notice that Frank is sitting on a horse while singing;)

3 pretty girls ready to open presents!

looks like everyone is having fun!

Aunt Kathy, Kelsey and Caleb won the ugly Christmas sweater contest.  This is Aunt Kathy opening up her special prize for winning.

We had to finish watching the Illini game before we could open up presents... the kids LOVED that;)

Since I hosted Christmas this year, I changed things up a little bit and took things back a little bit to the Grandma Moo days.  So instead of everyone opening up their gifts at one time, we started with the kids and went by family.  The Roney boys got to go first.

Then the Link girls...
Then the Swanson kids...

and finally the Lott kids.

the aftermath....they all want something open

Then while the adult were opening presents, Ainsley found it to be the perfect time to sneak some more food. She found the buckeyes.  I caught her with it and she stuck the whole thing in her mouth!  I don't mind if she eats sweet or snacks, but she is the messiest eater EVER!

Fredrickson Christmas

We had a marathon of Christmas's 5 nights in a row and it all started on the Friday before Christmas at Grandma Sharon and Papa's house for the Fredrickson Christmas.

Ainsley, Anna, Addysen, Emily and Lola - ready to open presents!

Addysen opening her presents from Aunt Linda and Uncle Dennis

Ainsley opening her gifts from Aunt Linda and Uncle Dennis
Ainsley gave all of her presents to Aunt Mary... Since that is what Anna did;)

Aunt Mary showing off all of Ainsley's loot:)


Addysen got an early Christmas present from Grandma K.  She got an air hockey table and she is loving it (and so are we)!  A few weeks ago, we went to Keith and Jean Ann Erickson's house to see their puppy's and then we went inside to see all the work they have been doing on their bedroom.  Well on the way out, Addysen noticed the air hockey table and asked what it was...  Jean Ann and Addysen played one game and Addysen was hooked.  Since Grandma K and Jean Ann work together, Grandma K heard all about how Addysen liked the air hockey table and the next thing we know... it was ours.  Aaron was glad that Grandma K only bought the air hockey game and not one of the puppy's:)

a mean game in action, and poor Ainsley can't play.

Addysen says that Daddy plays too hard.  Addysen got her finger pinched by one of Aaron's hard shots in the first 5 minutes of play.  Now she tells him to play softer and that he has to give her "free shots"