We had a simple New Years Eve this year. We just stayed home, ate, snacked, played games, snacked, played games, snacked and danced. It was a fun evening with the family. Both girls made it until after midnight. Addysen got pretty sleepy and I think she would have fallen asleep, but Daddy made a deal with her that she could go with him to check the cows after midnight if she stayed up - she did not want to miss that! Ainsley went strong ALL NIGHT LONG! And she snacked ALL NIGHT LONG! It was fun and I hope we do it again, not every year, but a couple more times!
Our spread! It looks like we are having a HUGE party, but it was just us 4. And yes, our little piggy Ainsley is getting started on snacking;) |
The girls sitting down for a delicious NYE dinner. |
Addysen started to fade during a rematch of memory. |
doesn't this just say, "I'm ornery!" |
Me and my girls - Happy NEW YEARS! |
Aaron and his girls - Happy New Years! |
Time for bed and Ainsley doesn't want to go, she wants a spin in the bilibo. |