Thursday, January 3, 2013


Addysen got an early Christmas present from Grandma K.  She got an air hockey table and she is loving it (and so are we)!  A few weeks ago, we went to Keith and Jean Ann Erickson's house to see their puppy's and then we went inside to see all the work they have been doing on their bedroom.  Well on the way out, Addysen noticed the air hockey table and asked what it was...  Jean Ann and Addysen played one game and Addysen was hooked.  Since Grandma K and Jean Ann work together, Grandma K heard all about how Addysen liked the air hockey table and the next thing we know... it was ours.  Aaron was glad that Grandma K only bought the air hockey game and not one of the puppy's:)

a mean game in action, and poor Ainsley can't play.

Addysen says that Daddy plays too hard.  Addysen got her finger pinched by one of Aaron's hard shots in the first 5 minutes of play.  Now she tells him to play softer and that he has to give her "free shots"

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