Valentines Day went by in a blurr this year. Ainsley went to Hope's house and got lots of sweet valentines from her buddies. Addysen went to school and her class had a valentines day party, so I went in to help and share treats. Then after school, we went to get Ainsley and came home. Then Jared and the kids came over so they could exchange valentines, then they were off to visit "Grandma" Ruth. When they got home, we ate supper and we packed our bags because first thing in the morning we were taking the train to Chicago with the Link Family. So it wasn't the typical lovey-dovey Valentines day - Aaron is so lucky I'm not high maintenance about that stuff;) He let me quit my job to pursue something else that - so far - is still a work in progress. He loves us girls more than anything in the world and I know that. He works hard for us everyday and for that I couldn't love him enough for! So even though I didn't have a fancy meal, flowers or a card on Valentines day, I still felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
Ainsley, my little nut ready for Valentines Day! |
And look at that, she is going into her favorite room of the house... the pantry! |
My Addysen, set in her ways and will no longer let me pick out her clothes:(.... said that she WAS wearing valentines day clothes because it said LOVE on the pockets of her jeans. ;) |
passing out their valentines. |
Addysen is checking out her loot:) |
playing a game with their teacher, Mrs. Manecke. Addysen loves her and thinks she is the bee's knees! (We really like her too) |
And look who came to crash the party and steal a treat!? Mrs. Higgerson. "Who's that" - as Addysen would say. |
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