Ainsley.... Ainsley, Ainsley, Ainsley. She is our stubborn, ornery, happy, go-with-the-flow kinda girl. She is also smart and knows how to work the system:) We made a deal with her that we would take her to the movie theater for the first time, as long as she stayed dry at night for 5 nights in a row. And, YAY! She did it. So we went to the movie theater and saw "How To Train Your Dragon 2" (side note: Addysen's first movie was "How To Train Your Dragon") She enjoyed the movie, but tired of siting in her seat about 45 minutes into it. Luckily the movie kept her attention and we stuck it out for the whole thing.
but before we left for the movie, her freak of a sister organized her own closet by color.... I don't know where she gets that from???? |
we have our popcorn and slushies and are ready to go in! |
My big girl!!! |
sisters r the best! |
Now the bad news of this story... She has not been dry for 5 nights in a row since then:( UGH!!! She played us, didn't she?
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