Thursday, September 3, 2009

Grandma K's Ouchie

Grandma K fell off a ladder 2 weeks ago and broke her leg! She had surgery and they placed two pins in her leg. She is doing well now and going through rehab at Marigold's Pathways. She seems to be in good spirits, but is starting to get sick of being there. Hopefully we'll hear soon how much longer she has to be there. So please send good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. (Craft show season is about to be in full bloom - Mom's favorite thing to do!)

This is a picture of Mom before she had surgery.
Now, before any of you say I'm insensitive for taking her picture while she is in the hospital... She told me to. Between the pain of the muscle spasm, she said, "Take my picture, I wanna see what I look like." So I obeyed my Mother.... I'll be kind though and not show the funny pictures Tammy and I took of her while she was sleeping in a fighter's defence position (he he)
She loves us!
Addysen has been very concerned about Grandma K's ouchie. So a few days ago we went and put some special band aids on Grandma's knee to make her feel better. 3 princess band aids and 3 Elmo band aids. With that combination she should be healed in no time!

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