Thursday, September 3, 2009

Uncle Nate and Aunt Mary's Wedding

Mary and Nate
dress rehearsal
Addysen doing some coloring on the way to the dress rehearsal dinner.
A princess piggy bank from Uncle Nate and Aunt Mary!
(she's taking donations!)
Grandma Sharon giving her toast to Nate and Mary.
Addy, Grandma Sharon and Pete.
He was telling Addy, "Don't smile!" This was the only way we got her to smile for any pictures all weekend.
(my little worried girl!)
Of course she was a goofball, spaz when we got back to our room after the dress rehearsal dinner. And did not want to sleep. We kept hearing, "hey guys" "guys?" Until she finally fell asleep after 10:00pm.
Uncle Nate reading Addysen a flower girl book at breakfast, the day of the wedding.
Uncle Nate and Addysen
(too cute for words! if only i could figure out how to crop the photographer out!)
Uncle Nate and Addy posing for pictures.
Addysen and Daddy
(of course she never cooperates for picture when you want her to! - I guess that's being 2.)
Aunt Mary and the ring bear - her nephew.
(a happy little fella)
Aunt Mary and Addysen
Grandma Sharon and Addysen
Addysen - right before the wedding started....
Why no more pictures of the wedding???
Addysen froze:( She just couldn't make it down the aisle! I guess there were too many people. That's okay - she was still the cutest flower girl I have ever seen! We're still going to keep her!
Feeding her new baby.
(a little gift from Mommy and Daddy, because she was a good girl!)
Lovin her new baby!
Dancing all alone! She was so excited, she wanted to start dancing as soon as we walked in.
She finally found someone that would dance with her!
(this was before the "real" dancing started - a lot of people were still eating)
Addysen was so excited to dance with Aunt Mary to her favorite song - "She's Country"
Addysen saved a dance for her buddy/"fill in" babysitter - Lois
The Link Family

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