Mixed emotions on this... Yay for another snow day, but are the kids ever going to get out of school for summer break!? Oh well, we enjoyed our day together and this was the first time Ainsley went out to play in the snow. They were only outside for about 10-15 minutes, but it was enough for the first time and it as fun watching them and taking pictures! Addysen was awesome and took such good care of her little sister!
Before they went outside, Ainsley said she was NOT going to fall down in the snow... |
Ainsley glove kept falling off, so she came up to me to put it back on, so I got a good close up of her cheesy grin:) |
Hey look at that, I think she touched the snow.. |
Big Sis is helping her up the ladder. |
Oh man!!! Her glove came off again... they are calling it quits. |
Addysen helped Ainsley all the way into the house. The snow was pretty deep and Ainsley kept falling int he snow, with just one mitten. |
But she had fun, they were both laughing and giggling all the way in, especially when they fell. |
Another fall, another laugh! |
and attempt at a pinterest project, but it got forgotten... :( We'll try again sometime. |
Once they were inside, Addysen was still cold... So she snuggled in with her hat, sweater, a blanket and hot chocolate. |
Ainsley just likes to do what sissy is doing;) |
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