On Christmas eve, Addysen and I spend the day at home and got ready for our Christmas party at the the Link's. Addysen did wonderful all day - considering she did not nap well ( she must have been excited that Santa was coming). So we headed off to Abingdon, to Jerry and MaryAnn's and we had a nice dinner and got a chance to catch up with everyone. Addysen got to show off her skills of pulling herself up. Then it was off to Altona to Christmas eve service. And what do you know - that little stinker did not sleep one wink during church. She was very good though. Daddy only had to take her out once and all she wanted to do was crawl around. Then it came time for communion. Addysen decided to put on a show for everyone at church too. All the way down the asile, she was flipping my hair up and snickering. It was really cute and I think the people who saw it, thought that it was cute too. (I'm just glad that I was able to compose myself enough to not get the church giggles too bad). Once we got home, Addysen was still awake (at 11:30). That is when I realized that I did not have anyone take our picture all night. So I made Aaron and Addysen stand in front of our tree and I set the timer on our camera so I could have a picture of us on our first Christmas together. Needless to say, Aaron was not pleased about this. But I got my picture - whether Addysen is looking or not.
Then on Christmas day, we spent the day at home and then in the evening we went to Grandpa Jim and Grandma Sharon's house. Uncle Ryan was coming home all the way from Maryland! We had a very nice dinner (Grandma Sharon did all the cooking -THANK YOU!!!) Then we opened up presents. No one was counting, but I think Addysen got the most! (I think she might be loved - just a little) Now we are getting ready for New Years Eve, and spending time with Uncle Ryan while he is home. AND -- This Sunday, we get to meet someone new and special in Uncle Nate's life. Ooh!!!!!
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